Archive of material concerning Hartlip's inhabitants

An on-line archive of material relating to people who have lived in, or have been been closely associated with, Hartlip is being constructed. The contents are being added to day-by-day. It will contain items from:

  • the census (so far the 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 and 1911 - the 1851 census is in the process of being added),
  • grave details - if the person concernced is buried in Hartlip Churchyard,
  • biographies, obituaries and stories about people's lives,
  • pieces from Hartlip's Parish Magazines,
  • articles from newspapers, especially the East Kent Gazette,
  • entries in parish records, banns, burials, baptisms & marriages,
  • photographs.

At the moment there are 1723 people in the archive. Note that entries under maiden name and married name mean that the number of different people may be lower. All have at least one item relating to them. To search for a person, click on the first letter of the person's surname in the panel on the right.

Have we got the details wrong?

If we have made any mistakes in the information here or if you can add anything that might be of interest, please contact Peter Blandon.

Search Hartlip People

Click on the first letter of the surname for the person you are searching for from the list below.

NOTE: Only the first letters of names that are in the archive are shown below.