Extracts from the minute-book:

  1. Churchwardens.
    Mr. W. C. Moore and Mr. A. Lawrence were elected churchwardens for the ensuing year, 1967/68.
  2. Changes in the P.C.C.
    Resigned: Mrs. Partridge. Messrs. B. Orr and Snape.
    Re-elected: Mesdames Fentiman. and Kelvie, Messrs. Ford and Taylor.
    Elected: Messrs. Ambrose, D. Ford and Whitehead.
  3. Sidesmen.
    Resigned: Messrs. J. Allen, B. Orr, Snape.
    Coopted during 1966: Messrs. G. F. W. Allen, Ford, Kinslow.
    Elected: Messrs. G. Cox, D. Ford, Tong.
  4. Vicar's Report on Church Fabric:-
    "The two main items for concern at present were the roof on the north side and the organ. The latter had given trouble over Easter and an overhaul might be necessary. As a result of the work done during the year the tower was now regarded as safe .... The new weather vane, made and given by Mr. Fentiman, was almost ready for erection. A new white altar frontal had been given by Mrs. Bone, the needlework having been skilfully done by her niece, Mrs. Shepherd .... There was also an offer of a new violet frontal from the same ladies.
  5. Hon. Treasurer's Report:
    "The accounts showed a rise in income, compared with the previous year, of £133 .... The Heating Fund still showed a deficit of £37 .... Our giving to the wider work of the Church remained at about £110 .... We should aim for an income of at least £1,130 in order to meet liabilities and commitments ...."


The A.G.M. of the Parish Council was held on 30th March in the Village Hall. I was delighted to see so many people present at this meeting, showing an interest in their parish affairs. In a review of the year given by the Chairman he pointed to the following matters having been dealt with - the redecoration and repair of the pavilion, a new and better soakaway on Lower Road, various surface improvements to roads and detailed on-the-spot discussions with the police and the K.C.C. about a 30 m.p.h. speed limit (which matter will be raised again in due course).

There were many interesting points raised from the floor, including the sign-posting of all roads in Hartlip and also the naming of all houses to help persons delivering, especially new postmen. The question of the dumping of rubbish throughout the parish was also raised and the Council is now doing a regular survey of the parish and then passing the information acquired on to Swale Council, who will collect. These and other questions raised will be dealt with by the Council at their next meeting.

The grazing of the recreation ground by sheep may have caused inconvenience to some dog owners, but this has made a great difference to the ground and I hope it will mean that we can keep it in a far better state this year than last; I hope any inconvenience caused will be out-weighed by the result in the coming year.
