Dear Friends,

April, 1967.

For Christians today, the month of May always has a special significance in that it is the month of Christian Aid week. This year it is May 15th to the 21st, and I know that in Hartlip, we will once again be seeking to make a worthy contribution towards the succour of the needy throughout the world.

However, I think we have come to a time when we need to recognise that, important and, indeed, essential as it is, Christian Aid is not enough. I believe one of the most significant Church documents produced last year was the British Council of Churches report, "World Poverty and British Responsibility", which made it clear that if real and permanent contributions to reducing the gap between the "haves" and "have-nots" were to be made, then government action was required. As a nation, we need to re-orientate our thinking about economics, if we are to pay our moral debt to Asia and Africa. The churches need to be the conscience of the nation in this matter, and the judgment will be on us, if we fail to do all we can to assert our responsibility as a community of people in this country.

My hope is that in Hartlip, and in every other village and town, we shall take this matter as seriously as we take Christian Aid Week itself.

Yours sincerely,




Mainly for attendance were presented to ten Sunday School children at Mattins on 16th April, for the year ended Advent 1966. Well done - Claire and Mark Harris, Zena Causey, Andrew Davison, Deirdre and Hazel Kyle, Elizabeth Snape, Dawn Davison, Simon and Penelope Green.


And best wishes to: Anne Williamson, who has been accepted for teacher training at St. Mary's, Cheltenham, in September; Anthea Miles, who began her nursing training at the London Hospital in April; and Trevor Hutchinson, who begins his apprenticeship at Chatham Dockyard in May.


Also to Mrs. McHaffey, who came back loaded with trophies from the Great Dane Breeders' Championship show in London on 28th March. Her young brindle dog, "My Mr. Wonderful of Bellote", won the Novice Dog, the Open Brindle Dog, and the Novice Dog or Bitch classes, as well as qualifying for next year's Crufts and gaining a silver cup for its breeder.

Warm Welcome

To Mr. and Mrs. Lingham and their son, Lester, who have come to live at Oak Barn Cottages; also to Sgt. and Mrs. Murr and their infant daughter, who are at "Cedarwood", London Road.