April Calendar

Apr. 6 7.30 p.m., Hall Committee.
Easter 2. 7.40 Group.
11 2.30 p.m., W.I. - Inspector Snow.
14 7.30 p.m., Whist Drive ("August", Munn's Lane), in aid of Church Funds.
18 7.30 p.m., Y.W.F. - Film, Barclay's Bank.
20 2.30 p.m., M.U. - Mrs. Quaife.
7.15 p.m., Christian Fellowship - Visit to Aylesford Priory.
23 Easter 4. 7.40 - Group.
24 7.30 p.m., W.I. Wine and Cheese Party (Silver Birches).
25 St. Mark. 7 a.m., Holy' Communion.
30 Rogation, Sunday.
11 a.m., Mattins, including the blessing of the orchards during the Litany sung in procession. Preacher - the Archdeacon of Maidstone.
May 1 SS. Philip and James. No Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Y.W.F. Wine and Cheese Party.
Ascension Day. 7.00 a.m., Holy Communion; 9.30 a.m., Day School Eucharist and M.U. Corporate Communion.
15 to
20 Christian Aid Week.

Sanctuary Guild

Apr. 9 Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Dagge.
16 Mrs. Gammie.
23 The Misses E. and W. Whitehead.
30 Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Wakeley.
May 7 Mrs. Williamson and Miss A. Williamson.

Sidesmen's Rota

Apr. 9 Mr. Wallis.Mr. Titcomb.
16 Mr. Kinslow.Mr. Chambers.Mr. Taylor.
23 Mr. Miles.Mr. Ford.Mr. D. Luckhurst.
30 Mr. Tong.Mr. Allen.Mr. D. Kendrick.
May 7 Mr. Kitchingham.Mr Williamson.Mr. Kendrick.
(9.30 a.m.)