Mothers' Union

Tankerton Holiday Home is the current charge of quite a long line of posts for our speaker, Sister Pickering, of the Church Army. They have included war-time evacuation work in Eastbourne and the large Women's Services Hostel opposite Paddington Station. Newcastle-born, motherly, dedicated, she had clearly given all her life in the service of others - for a mere pittance, too - and we all loved her; a wonderful example for us all.


Young Wives Fellowship

If recent lectures are anything to go by, Hartlip this summer should become an Arcadia peopled by Greek goddesses. We have heard about Beauty Counselors from Mrs. Kendrick, and about Hair Care from Mr. Jackson of Rimmell. It was stimulating to realise that chemistry, art, history and even archaeology had contributed to these interesting lectures. We may not dye our hair red like the ancient Egyptians, or even purple, as Sappho did, but we have been carefully instructed in the art of exploiting our natural resources. Many thanks to Hartlip's top models, Mrs. Harlow and Mrs. Harris.


Women's Institute

We are holding an Autumn Fair in the village on September 23rd, consisting of an exhibition; members' handicrafts, and also stalls of home produce, plants, needlework, competitions, teas, etc,. We hope all members will start working for this now, as we hope to invite other Institutes as well as our friends and the public generally, and thus make it a big occasion.

Our speaker this month, Miss Stead (illustrated talk on Yugoslavia), later judged the entries for the three best home-made "Get Well" cards; the following go forward to the Group Meeting competition at Eastchurch at the end of March: (1) Mrs. Partridge, (2) Miss Danby, (3) Miss Wise.

A Cheese and Wine evening is being held at Silver Birches on Monday, 24th April, from 7.30 p.m.; tickets 5/-. All profit for W.I. National Funds. Please support this if you can.
