Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
April 1967 : page 7 (of 8)
Cricket Club
Some men think and dream cricket all winter, "staying tuned" with the globe-trotting M.C.C. and even turning out for winter net practice. The rest of us - and this surely includes Hartlip's cricketers - begin to stir from winter lethargy during the, pre-season meeting in the Village Hall. And so it was recently when the Club's supporters met and laid out the season's prospects before them. Keen interest in the Club's future seemed to generate as the meeting progressed. It was agreed that August and September were the two doubtful months when fixtures might be in jeopardy, as last season. However, a good selection of fixtures has been arranged for May, June and July.
Mike Jones will captain the side and he is confident that he will not be short of eleven good men and true, provided that everyone follows the basic rule of (i) confirming his availability when selected, and let nothing cause him to call off save birth, death, marriage or imprisonment. The Rev. John Green continues as the Club's chairman with a sure place in the team unless prevented by the first three of the above contingencies. Mr. Herbert Auger carries his grand record as Club treasurer into his 30th year, while Mr. Tony Knight will take good care of the team carding. Again presiding over all these enthusiasts will be Mr. William Wakeley. New members are very welcome.
7.40 Group
"Variety of activities" sums up our recent programme. At the end of February, through slides and personal demonstration, we learned a little about wood-carving and artistic style from Mr. Lockett, of Stockbury. One Sunday evening in March eight of us attended Evensong at St. Mark's, Gillingham, and sampled the vigorous, Evangelical approach of that church and its people; this visit we would like to repeat. Easter Day brought us together for our annual Corporate Communion, breakfast at the school, and a 15-mile hike. Our route? Well, ask Paul Davison, our leader. It began via Stiockbury (where it rained) and continued with difficulty through several woods. Smoke Wood (Hucking) and Civiley Wood (Thurnham) stick in the memory - so, too, does our break for lunch at Hucking!
Mar. 12 Kevin Michael and Graham Lee, sons of Michael and Jean Brooks.
Mar. 11 John Skinner and Susan Collins.
Terence Swift, aged 6 days.
Easter Communicants - 117