Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
September 1964 : page 8 (of 8)
Young Wives' Fellowship
Are you alert? Interested in other things beside 'the trivial round, the common task?' Willing to contribute your thoughts and opinions and hear others, from all walks of life? Then join the Young Wives Fellowship .... the first meeting of the new programme is on Tuesday, September 15th at the village Hall, 7.30 p.m. and the subject: "Beauty on a Budget" ... Messrs RIMMEL.
Two recipes for the season of Michaelmas.
Marrow Ginger Jam Ingredients - 1 lb sugar to each 1 lb marrow, 1 oz ginger and 5 lemons to each 4 lbs marrow. Cut marrow into good-size pieces and cover with half the sugar, and allow to stand 12/24 hours. Add remainder of sugar, lemon peel grated and juice of lemon. Crush root ginger and place in muslin bag. Boil all slowly for 1 hours. It is important not to allow mixture to boil rapidly, so as to avoid toughness.
Apple Marmalade - Peel and core enough apples to weigh 3 lbs after peeling and coring, and then cut them into small pieces. Put these into a pan with a pint of cold water, 2 oz of finely shredded candied peel and the grated rind and juice of a lemon. Simmer until soft, then add 4 lbs of sugar. Stir while sugar dissolves and cook on until the marmalade is thick. This is a good way of using windfall apples!
August 9 | Stuart Dean Carlton. |
Peter Terence John Jarvis. | |
August 16 | Colin Douglas Sedge. |
September Calendar
Sept. 1 | 9.30 a.m. M.U. Corporate Communion. |
3 | 8 p.m. Village Hall Committee. |
8 | 2:30 p.m. W.I. "Home-made Wines". |
15 | 7.30 p.m. Young Wives' Fellowship "Beauty on a budget". |
21 | St. Matthew. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. |
23 | 7.30 p.m. Parochial Church Council. |
27 | Trinity 18. 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Recital by the 70 Choir |
29 | St. Michael and All Angels. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m. Day School Eucharist. |
Oct. 4 | PATRONAL & HARVEST FESTIVALS. See elsewhere for full details. |
10 | Harvest Supper. |
17 | Jumble Sale (in aid of Parish Magazine) |
Sanctuary Guild
Sept. 13 | Mrs. Titcomb and Miss E. Woodcock. |
20 | Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Allen. |
27 | Mrs. Owsley and Mrs. Green. |
Oct. 4 | Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Knight. |
Sidesmen's Rota
Sept. 13 | Mr. Taylor. | Mr. Lawrence. | Mr. Allen. |
20 | Col. Shand-Tully. | Mr. Luckhurst. | Mr. Mannerings. |
27 | Mr. T. Miles. | Mr. Shellock. | Mr. Fentiman. |
Oct. 4 | Mr. Kitchingham. | Mr Snape. | Mr. Chambers. |