The Mormons, or, more correctly, 'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' were founded in 1830 in America by Joseph Smith. The latter claimed to have discovered through a revelation the 'Book of Mormon', which became the Bible of the Latter-Day Saints. It is significant that although it was discovered as recently as 1826 the original manuscript cannot be produced.

Mormonism has won many adherents because of its militant missionary spirit, the generally high standards of its own State of Utah in the U.S.A. and its extremely simple Creed. This Creed may at first sight appear to be that of a simple evangelical type of Christianity; but there are serious departures from orthodox Christian teaching, especially on the nature of God and the person and work of Christ; for instance, God is conceived of as an exhalted man and the unique authority of Jesus is denied, Christ being to the Mormons merely a forerunner of Joseph Smith. Again, polygamy was practised and taught by them up to 1895, although officially this is not so today. In view of this it is not surprising that their moral code is more akin to Old Testament standards, being negative, legalistic, almost puritancial. They also seem far away from the charitable spirit of Our Lord when they declare that all who are not Latter-Day Saints will be ever-lastingly damned.



The end of term activities have come and gone - one of them being so kindly reported on last month.

Open Day again was a very happy day and we were pleased to welcome the Divisional Education Officer on his first official visit to the school. On reflection I think we must consider another year whether we can afford the luxury of sending out invitations generally in. the Parish. Some of us did not reply, others accepted and did not attend - all resulting in rather a waste of food and also, to some extent, of the efforts of the kind ladies who each year prepare with such taste and care what is rather a nice afternoon tea.

During the past month we have had need to appoint a new caretaker in place of Mrs. Hollands, who has resigned for domestic reasons. A book token was given to her as a token of our appreciation of her work at the school. Out of a short list of six, Mr. J. T. Webb of Upchurch was appointed.

We were all very distressed when the day after the interviews, his daughter was killed in such tragic circumstances. We tried, very indequately, to express our thoughts to Mr. Webb and his family at the time. However we do welcome him to our ..... (cont)