school and trust that he and his family will find comfort as the days go by.



Women's Institute

A very happy afternoon was spent at "Yew Tree Cottage," the home of Mrs. T. Wallis, who held a Bring and Buy Sale and gave tea to help Federation Funds, on July 29th. A treasure hunt was arranged in the lovely garden and was won by Deirdre Kyle and Susan Pound.

The sum of £6 6s. was raised and I'm sure everyone contributed most generously both financially and in helping with teas etc., to make it a most successful effort.


Cricket Club

Since our last report the Club has played five matches but regrettably only won one. Uncertain batting appears to have been the main reason. However, in fairness, two of our defeats were close, especially the all-day Bank Holiday match against the young and pleasant George Lane side, when we lost by 9 runs in the last over of the day and, because of injury, batting only ten men. It was probably our most interesting game to date and a lot of incidents still stand out - the alert wicket-keeping and courageous hitting in the 1st innings of George Spreadborough (assisting us from Stockbury), David Kendrick's two outstanding catches and Tony Knight's sound batting in the 2nd innings; also Tony Carlton's hitting, after his injury and first-aid. A comic touch was unexpectedly provided by a visiting umpire, who in view of the extreme heat took a can of beer out with him, placing it up against the stumps; to his dismay a very accurate return soon afterwards halved the contents. A glance at the details below will show how much our batting has depended recently on Alistair Noble; unfortunately he was on holiday for the Borden match.

August 1 Hartlip 66 (Noble 20, Green 18)
Stockbury 67-3 (A. Knight 3-22)
George Lane 149 (C. Knight 3-15, Chapman 3-31, Kendrick 3-34)
74-6 dec. (J. Skinner 3-4, Kendrick, 2-77, A. Knight 1-12)
Hartlip 102 (A. Carlton 24, Spreadborough 30)
112 (A. Knight 40)
Goudhurst 141 (Chapman 4-34, Selling 3-28)
Hartlip 114 (Noble 45, Godden 20)
15 Hartlip 106 (Noble 41)
Newington 69 (Selling 6-28, B. Carlton 4-32)
22 Hartlip 34 (Kendrick 12, Keeble 11)
Borden 37-3 (Keeble 2-21)
