Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
September 1964 : page 3 (of 8)
My dear People,
I want now to bring fully to your notice the Confirmation due to take place in our church on the evening of Sunday, 13th December. It is likely to be taken by Bishop Warner, Assistant Bishop of the diocese, and is in fact the first to occur in Hartlip for over three years. It is of course the most important event of the year in our church life - one towards which we should build and look forward and at which every single member of the congregation should be present.
Classes in preparation for this are starting in the week beginning 27th September and it seems certain that there will be an adults' class as well as a young people's one. In the meantime I should like to receive the names of all those wishing to be confirmed. I cannot help but feel that there ought to be quite a lot, especially if parents and godparents really face up to their responsibilities. At a child's baptism they make a solemn promise before God that their child will be taught the Christian Faith, brought up to lead a Christian life and "brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him." Now, if parents have honoured these first two promises the, child himself or herself will normally as a matter of course wish to confirm the promises made by godparents on their behalf and to receive a strengthening of God's Holy Spirit through the 'laying-on of hands.' In the event of doubt or questioning, however, it would seem, from the Baptism Service, that parents are wrong to leave the decision entirely to the young person concerned. There is the duty of wise and definite guidance. After all, the great majority of parents make strenuous, even sacrificial, efforts to equip their children to face life as regards the occupation most suited to them. Yet some fail completely to equip them in this other way. In so, doing they deprive them of the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, a proved source of tremendous strength to countless men and women and the chief act of worship of the whole Christian Church.
So this forthcoming Confirmation (wonderfully placed just before Christmas Day) is a challenge all round especially to adults who are not confirmed and to the young who are still preparing themselves for life. To them I say - are you opting for good or evil? If for good, then you will need more than human aid.
Your sincere friend and Vicar,