Michaelmas Ordination

Is arranged for Mr. Geoffrey Waghorn, of Milton Cottages, Keycol. Though not resident here, Mr. Waghorn has worshipped in our church for several years and has, in addition, assisted with the conducting of some of our services. This has included acting as a very competent reserve organist and often stepping in at the last moment. We are very grateful indeed for all his help, most willingly given, and our prayers and best wishes go with him. He is being ordained on Sunday, 27th September, by the Bishop of Rochester in his cathedral to a title at Holy Trinity, Gillingham, for work on the Twydall Green Estate.


To Stockbury Youth Club and in particular to Roger Vaughan for their enterprise. Roger left a week ago for a year in Borneo under the Voluntary Work Overseas scheme. He will be mainly doing general welfare work among the natives. With return passage paid, free board and lodging, and £1 a week this is also a wonderful and inexpensive opportunity for seeing the world.

Climbing Slowly

Is our Heating Appeal for £600. Latest statement from our Treasurer shows the total at £279 15s.

Willing Hands

Will be very acceptable indeed at the Church bin (Drift 1, No. 23) in Dane Lane hop-garden. Picking began on 28th August and will continue for about 3 weeks. Long or short stints will all help swell Church funds and, if you can, please bring your own chair or stool.

September 12th-19th

Are the dates when I hope to have a short holiday. Canon Lambert of Lower Halstow has kindly agreed to the pastoral oversight of the parish in my absence, but enquiries and requests for urgent visits should be made in the first instance to Mr. Moore or Mr. Allen.

Sunday School

Begins again on Sunday, 13th September, at 10 o'clock.
