Women's Institute

Mrs. Lawrence presided over the February meeting and members were told that the response to the outing to Coventry on 4th June had been so great that it has now been provisionally booked for 16th September. We were asked to indicate by a show of hands whether we supported the view that a resident policeman was needed in the village, and this proved to be unanimous. Mrs. Bensted gave an interesting and entertaining talk on "Keeping the zest in life", and afterwards judged Mrs. Allen's home-made Valentine card to be the best topically and Mrs. Leonard's the best artistically. Tea was provided by Mrs. Steer and her helpers. Next month - a Bring and Buy cake stall, and the speaker is Mrs. Mara on "The Way of Life in the U.S.A.


Guides and Brownies

The Guides are at present competing in an international patrol challenge, which consists of four monthly parts; each patrol has passed the January test and the February test will be on 28th. The Leaders and Seconds are also going to a training with Scout P.L.'s to be held in Buckmoor Scout H.Q. We have three more Guides who are well on their way to becoming a Queen's Guide.

The Brownies Pack continues to flourish and seems very happy. We are producing an item at the Rainham Guide Sale on May 9th. Please come and support us. We have about eight Brownies who are working for their 1st Class (Golden Hand) and some beautiful Hyacinths have been grown.



The W.V.S. Clothing Store is certainly a going concern. The number of applicants sent in by the local Health Authorities has increased steadily and so has work for the helpers. The rooms are looking much more attractive now that most of the stock has been bundled and classified and a gay mural decoration has appeared on the walls - Costumes of All Nations. We hope to arrange the official opening very soon.


Village Hall

The Annual Meeting was held on 20th February. Mr. C. Stephens, the retiring chairman, who did not seek re-election, was thanked for his work over the past year. The Committee appointed for 1964 is: Chairman Miss A. Woodcock; Vice Chairman. Mr. T. Wallis; Secretary - Mr. D. Chambers; Treasurer Mr. F. Cox; elected members Messrs. G. Auger, Brooks, Croucher, Lloyd, Stephens, and representatives from village organisations.

The annual Fete will be held on 4th July.



Menu for Good Friday Lunch

Lenten Sea Pie - llb. of white flaked cooked fish, removing ..... (cont)