During Lent many of us have been preparing our hearts and minds for the mighty events concerning Our Lord's Passion and Resurrection. With the ever increasing pace of modern life and the consequent immersion in material activities, it becomes more and more necessary for us to make time for quiet reflection, in order that our sense of mental and spiritual balance be not lost.

Lifted over your life and mine, each moment of each day, is the Cross of Our Lord. We may resent it or be embarrassed by its shadow or we may welcome its safety and assurance of salvation. Whatever we do, we are forever under its shadow. It remains the constant reminder that God's love is eternally valid to those who see that it was for their sins He died, and say with the prophet, "Twas our misdeeds that crushed Him." But the Cross, in the shadow of which we live, is an empty Cross for He has triumphed over death and sin and we may live in the power of His risen life.

Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.




Of thanks has come to Mrs. Kitchingham from the Church of England Children's Society, intended also for all boxholders and contributors, who between them produced £10 4s. 4d. in 1963 for the work of the Society. A word of thanks should also go to Mr. Roots who had the task of changing all the pennies!

Electoral Roll

Forms are available again in the church, as well as the Roll itself. Please see that your name is on the Roll. It should contain the name of every member of the Church of England in the parish and of those who attend this church, whether living in the parish or not. Minimum age is 17.

Sick Communions

Will be gladly arranged for any who are prevented by illness or infirmity from making their Easter Communion. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.


Towards the cost of Easter lilies, in remembrance of some relation or friend, will be gratefully received by my wife or Mrs. C. M. Stevens and used for the sanctuary arrangements. Each lily usually costs about 5/-. Gifts of other white or yellow flowers for Easter Sunday will be welcomed, if possible brought to the church on the Saturday morning.
