Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
March 1964 : page 5 (of 7)
Mothers' Union
A general meeting of the M.U. was held at the Village Hall on Thursday, 20th February. After opening prayers by the Vicar, Mrs. Green presided over the meeting and conducted the triennial elections. Mrs. Green volunteered to continue as Presiding Member and asked Mrs. Harlow to continue as secretary, which she agreed to do. Mrs. Ambrose was elected Third Representative, Mrs. Williamson Overseas Representative, and Mrs. Andrews Literature Representative. Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Stevens were elected on committee.
Mrs. Green introduced our speaker, Miss Johnston, a missionary schoolteacher, home on furlough after five years in Peru. Aided by her own very effective colour slides (the projector kindly loaned by Mr. Michael Lawrence) Miss Johnston gave us an interesting glimpse of life and customs in Peru as well as the teaching and life of her missionary school. Tea was served by Mrs. Lockyer, hostess for the afternoon, assisted by Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Titcomb.
Young Wives' Fellowship
4th February—Scottish Dancing: Demonstrator, Mrs. Stephenson.
Our able tutor was quick to transform twenty-eight willing but wary women, into three, keen, workable sets, who were soon doing "The Cumberland Reel", and other interweaving progressions, and literally, taking things in their stride.
18th February The Church Calendar: Speaker, Mrs, S. Yerbury.
Thirty members of the Y.W.F. supported the meeting. Mrs. Yerbury, herself a mother of two children, presented her subject clearly and with consistent interest. All denominations were mentioned and absorbed in a concise lecture beginning with Advent, and on through all the festivals of the Church Year to Trinity, concluding with relevant details on Saints days.
Christian Fellowship
On 13th February the members of the Fellowship were able to "listen-in" while the Vicar of Sittingbourne and the Superintendent of the Medway Towns Methodist Circuit discussed the relationship between our two Churches. This was followed by a most profitable general discussion. Meetings like this bring home to us not only how ignorant we are about each other's Churches but also how much we have to learn about our own. We shall soon be in a much better position to appreciate and understand the problems associated with the suggested union of our two Churches.
Your attention is specially drawn to two attractive events in March on 12th, an illustrated talk on "Romney Marsh" in the Methodist Schoolroom by Mr. and Mrs. Turner; and on Saturday, 21st, the famous film Genevieve at the Village Hall; it's quite an expensive business hiring these films, so please don't let us down.