Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
August 1964 : page 5 (of 8)
Annual Collection
For the Diocesan Council for Social Work has realised £5, thanks to all those who subscribed and especially to the organiser and collectors, Mesdames Andrews, R. Allen, Fentiman, Harlow and Lawrence.
By the time this magazine is printed I hope that some of the Parish Council notice boards will be in position. These notice boards are being put up, one at the bottom of Hollow Lane on Mr. Auger's barn, another at the Main Road end of Mill Road and one in a garden on the London Road. One is also going to be placed in the Churchyard opposite the village shop. These are being placed so that any items of interest that the Parish Council deals with may be posted, for everyone in the village to read; by this means they may know what is going on and what is being done by their Parish Council.
Things of interest this month
Outline Planning Permission has been granted for the building of 28 houses in the grounds of Dane House, Hartlip.
The Council have written to the Kent County Constabulary requesting a 30 m.p.h. limit throughout Hartlip.
THE SCHOOL LEAVERS' SERVICE, 1964 — A Personal Impression
On Wednesday evening I attended a simple but most enjoyable Evensong, held to celebrate the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene and for the presentation of a Bible to each child leaving the, Village School.
This annual custom is held to conform to the wish of Mary Gibbon, Patron and Founder of the School, who in her Will (1678) directed that each school leaver, being able to read, should be presented with a Bible.
The Lesson was read by the School leavers speaking in unison and the School Choir led the congregation in singing the hymns. They also gave an excellent, unaccompanied rendering of the Magnificat to Wesley in F.
In his address the Vicar used the clinging Ivy as an illustration of the tenacity and devotion to the word of the Lord of the two Mary's, Mary Magdalene and Mary Gibbon.
I was most impressed by the reverence and attentiveness of the School children during the Service, which speaks highly of the manner of their teaching.
The floral decorations in the Church also played their part, that at the high altar being all white in honour of Mary Magdalene.