
Mrs. Webb would like to express her very sincere thanks to all those who played their part so well in decorating the church for, and leading the worship in the Memorial Service for her husband, Mr. Francis Webb for whom a muffled peal was rung before and after the service.


Once again to Mr. William Wakeley, and those who work for him, this time for gaining the top award for cherries at the County Show. I understand that the majority of those exhibited came from the Keites Styles orchard, well within our parish.

Best wishes

From us all to Mr. and Mrs. Bounds, as they prepare to leave us next month for a new home and job. They will be missed, chiefly because it is difficult for a licensee and his wife not to play a part in the community life and secondly because Mrs. Bounds has spent her whole life in the village.


On her feet in the ward is at last allowed to Mrs. Miles in her London hospital. Very well in herself she is looking forward to August 4th, when she is due to move to a Margate hospital for convalescence. I ask for your continued prayers for Mrs. Miles that she may regain much improved movement and take up her work as Health Visitor as soon again as possible.

Church Heating

Appeal for £600 (which went out to all families on the Electoral Roll) has so far reached £99 16s. 0d. Donors are a small proportion of those circularised. May I, therefore, just repeat one sentence of the Appeal Letter - "the success of this Appeal will depend on many donations, however small."

Sunday School

Will not be held at all in August or on the first Sunday in September.

Car Rally

Drivers had to contend with torrential rain on the evening of 18th July, as well as the usual mental tests and a rather longer route. From 12 cars (about 40 people) Messrs. Waters, D. Lloyd, Foster and G. Auger were respectively awarded the first four places. We are very grateful to Messrs. Croucher, Lawrence and Lloyd for their efficient organisation and to Miss E. Woodcock and her assistants for the hot coffee, sausage rolls and sandwiches at the end. Church Funds benefitted by £5 18s. 9d.