Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
July 1964 : page 8 (of 8)
June 12 | Walter Divers, aged 81. |
16 | Francis Justice Webb, aged 61. |
50 Years Ago Register of Services
June 26 1914 "Tunstall rang peal. Broke hammer of 6th bell - (July 8th) - Bracket hammer 6th repaired, and bells at screwed up". (Entry by Vicar).
July Calendar
July 2/4 | Newington Church Festival of Flowers. |
4 | Village Fete. |
7 | 9.30 a.m., M.U. Corporate Communion. |
12 | 3 p.m., Memorial Service, the late Mr. Francis Webb. |
14 | 7 p.m., W.I. |
15/19 | County Show (Detling). |
18 | 7 p.m., St. Swithin's tide Car Rally (Village Hall). |
22 | 6.30 p.m., Primary School Leavers' Service-Choral Evensong. |
25 | St. James. 7 a.m., Holy Communion. |
Advance Notice
Oct. 4 | Harvest Thanksgiving. |
17 | Jumble Sale. |
Dec 5 | Christmas Bazaar. |
Sanctuary Guild
July 5 | Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Knight. |
12 | Mrs. Green and Mr. Snape. |
19 | Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Holt. |
26 | Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Harlow. |
Aug. 2 | Mrs. Kitchingham. |
Sidesmen's Rota
July 5 | Mr. Kitchingham. | Mr. Mabbs. | Mr. Fentiman. |
12 | Mr. Chambers. | Mr. Shellock. | Col. Shand-Tully. |
19 | Mr. Miles. | Mr. Luckhurst. | Mr. C. Allen. |
26 | Mr. Taylor. | Mr T. Miles. | Mr. Snape. |
Aug. 2 | Mr. Kitchingham. | Mr Wallis. | Mr. Titcomb. |