On June 23rd nine of our members joined with hundreds of others at the Deanery Festival Service at Milton, where we heard Bishop Warner give, in an interesting address, many of his recollections of the M.U. in other parts of the world. Afterwards we were treated to a most welcome tea by Mrs. Andrews in her beautiful home at Grovehurst.

A member.

Young Wives' Fellowhsip

June 18th, The Garden Party at the Vicarage.

The Committee of the Hartlip Young Wives Fellowship were very gratified by the attendance of both members and visitors at this, the last meeting of the present programme. The pleasant gardens of the vicarage were at our disposal, and the games of skill provided were enjoyed by all who came, not only to amuse themselves, but also to contribute their efforts and personality. Members of Hartlip Mothers' Union, and from Newington and Milton Y.W.F. joined our members in Scottish Dancing, and later at the Village Hall our visitors congratulated and thanked us for a truly magnificent buffet supper. Our thanks go to Rev. and Mrs. Green for their hospitality, to Mrs. W. Allen our organiser, and to the many members who helped in every way.


Women's Institute

A talk on English cheeses, followed by a cheese tasting session, was enjoyed by members of the W.I. at their June meeting, over which Mrs. Lawrence presided.

The speaker was Mrs. Bumstead who described the origin of English country cheeses and the way in which similar cheeses are made at the present time.

A letter from the Rev. G. Fisher was read, thanking members for the hospitality shown to the Old People from Hackney when they visited the village last month.

It was announced that the afternoon tea arranged at "Silver Birches" by Mrs. Partridge, Mrs. Trickle and Mrs. Kelvie, had raised £6 18s. 0d. for the Federation. A report on the A.G.M. at the Albert Hall was given by Mrs. Stephens, and the award for a flower arrangement in. an egg cup was given by Mrs. Bumstead to Mrs. Partridge.

Hostesses were Mesdames Shand-Tully, Green, Chisman, Dagg, Milgate and Miles. July meeting is at 7 p.m. on the 14th when Mrs. Swayne will talk on "Being the perfect Hostess".
