Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1964 : page 3 (of 7)
My dear People,
Many of you will have visited and enjoyed our County Show at its new and permanent home. I much hope that you will have made a point of including the Church Stand in your visit. It was, in my opinion, quite the most effective Church effort at the Show for several years. The reason for this may well have been because its method of approach was simple and in addition, thorough biblical and traditional. At the Stand the Church was offering refreshment and drama, food for body and mind. At the Feeding of the Four Thousand Our Lord gave the crowd physical and mental refreshment. In the Middle Ages the same was offered most effectively to passers-by in the market-places of our towns and villages. These twin needs of the individual must be constantly remembered and met. We are a "caring Church" and we must always be prepared to "care for" the body as well as the soul of our neighbour.
Elsewhere in the County Show Mr. William Wakeley was given the top award for cherries and that brings me to say that he has kindly arranged once again for the Church to man a bin in the Dane Lane hop-garden this coming season. Picking is likely to begin about 1st September. I can only ask you to repeat last year's success. As I pointed out, there are other things besides money that result from an effort such as this. A day, an afternoon or just an hour or two - your help will be very welcome indeed.
Your sincere friend and Vicar,