water (cold.) and lemon juice into a preserving pan. Bring to the boil and simmer gently until the apples are soft and pulpy. Strain overnight through a scalded jelly bag or several layers of clean muslin.

Next day measure the strained juice and return to a clean pan. Add one pound of sugar to every pint of juice. Bring to boil, stirring all the time until sugar dissolves, then boil rapidly until a set is obtained. Skim surface of jelly using a metal spoon. Then pour jelly straightaway into warm jars. Cover and seal.




Sept. 22 Edward Robert Newitt.


Aug. 31 Derek Mark Blundy and Roberta Mary Nicholls.


October Calendar

Oct. 1 7.30 p.m., Young Wives' Fellowship.
7.30 p.m., Village Hall Committee.
HARVEST THANKSGIVING. Services as usual.
Mattins Preacher at Mattins - Rev. J. F. S. Martin, Vicar of New Romney.
10 7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship Service (Parish Church).
12 2.30 p.m., Jumble Sale in aid of Parish Magazine (Village Hall).
15 7.30 p.m., Young Wives' Fellowship.
16 2.30 p.m., Mothers' Union Service (Parish Church).
18 St. Luke. 7 a.m., Holy Communion.
28 SS. Simon & Jude. 7 a.m., Holy Communion.
31 Christian Fellowship Hallowe'en Party.

Sanctuary Guild

Oct. 6 Mrs. Green and Mr. Snape.
13 Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Knight.
20 Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Harlow.
27 Mrs. Kitchingham.

Sidesmen's Rota

Oct. 6 Mr. MilesMr. AllenMr. T. Miles
13 Mr. ShellockMr. LawrenceMr. Titcomb
20 Mr. WallisMr. SnapeMr. Moore
27 Mr. TaylorCol. Shand-TullyMr. Mabbs