Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
October 1963 : page 4 (of 7)
I regret that through the intervention of holidays my September letter arrived too late for publication.
Now that the autumn is really here and the work of another Methodist Year has begun - the Methodist Year beginning as it does in September - I am looking forward to the work in Hartlip, not only because many of our Methodist people are known to me, but because there is this very healthy and promising relationship between our two Churches. For some years now the leaders of our two great religious bodies have been conferring together, seekin to clear the ground for common understanding and closer collaboration, but until our people at local church level see this as "practical politics" - something that involves them - we shall make little progress. This is why the situation at Hartlip is so exciting. Perhaps it will take time but already we are out on the road together and having agreed so to travel, there is no knowing what can be done. Above all else we will come to see that the tasks before us are greater than all our differences and the urgency of them is such that we must increasingly face them together.
To our Methodist friends may I say how much I am looking forward to meeting you both in your homes and in the church; may the months ahead be months of progress and blessing to our common Christian witness and work.
Captain of Israel's host, and Guide
Of all who seek the land above,
Beneath Thy shadow we abide,
The cloud of Thy protecting love;
Our strength, Thy grace; our rule, Thy word;
Our end, the glory of the Lord.
Whom we were very pleased to welcome on 17th August were from Burmash and Lympne. Both parishes (and their ringers) being wellknown to me I was particularly sorry to be on holiday then. They may, too, have established a small local record. An all-ladies team from their number rang a touch of Grandsire Doubles, and our veteran captain, Mr. Kitchingham, cannot recall this happening in our tower in his lifetime. Our own Hartlip learners are now proficient in ringing rounds and we hope that an all-Hartlip team will ring before Evensong on our Patronal Festival.
To Dr. and Mrs. Kendrick and their family, who have come to live at the Parsonage; also to Mr. and Mrs. Shuttleworth and their ...... (cont)