Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
October 1963 : page 3 (of 7)
My dear People,
Our hop-picking venture in the Dane Lane hop-garden is almost at an end. We have received a certain amount of publicity, our photograph having appeared in a variety of publications, among them "The Lady" and the "Financial Times"! We have also earned, we think, at the time of writing, about £55 - a most encouraging result. This has been achieved largely through some really staunch support from four or five individuals who have cheerfully picked almost every day of the three and a half weeks, at some effort and difficulty to themselves. On the other hand, they could not have done this without the encouragement given them by many others of all ages (in all, about 45), who picked for short or long periods. Moreover I believe that we have gained something more than money. We have gained in sense of fellowship and purpose. We have also shown that we are prepared to get down to it and work (as the world understands it) for our church and our Faith. Perhaps for that very reason we were soon accepted by the hop-garden, both pickers and staff (some of whom picked for us in off-duty periods), and were shown a remarkable degree of friendliness throughout. Though the word was never mentioned, the whole enterprise undoubtedly had the flavour of an unofficial mission which, please God, may bear fruit in one way and another.
Finally, may I draw your attention to two other events in the future - our Bargain Jumble Sale (in aid of the Magazine) on 12th October and our Christmas Bazaar on 7th December. Detailed arrangements of these will be found on a separate enclosure in this issue. I want simply to stress that neither event can be a real success without the support of everyone - whether it be as contributor, buyer, publicity agent or helper. Success on 12th October means that we will be able to balance our Magazine Account; success on 7th December could mean a much warmer church!
Your sincere friend and Vicar,