young daughter, who have recently arrived at Place Farm. We hope that they will soon feel part of a welcoming friendly community.


Not uniformity, was the aim of a well-attended meeting at Borden Grammar School on 26th September, the result of which was the setting-up of the Sittingbourne and District Council of Churches. All denominations were represented except the Roman Catholics. Hartlip is, of course, eligible for membership.



Young Wives' Fellowship

Outing to New Romney - 17th September

Thinking back to this exhilarating evening, so many interesting things come to mind. The oak-panelled grandeur of the New Romney Town Hall Court Room, and everyone carefully avoiding the dock! Miss Anne Roper, well-known lecturer on Romney Marsh, was there to welcome us and fill our imaginations with vivid word pictures of "Rumney" (as it is pronounced), through its historic stages. We heard how the Marsh (18 by 10 miles in area) was gradually reclaimed for sheep pasture. This has proved well worth-while, for Romney sheep have become world-famous, both for wool and meat. The Parish Church of St. Nicholas was linked with an earlier Y.W.F. lecture. Our speaker then, on "Men of Kent and Kentish Men", referred to the coming of William of Normandy, which culminated in the 1066 "you-know-what". The Church is two thirds Norman architecture, and the remainder Early English; squat, bear-hugging pillars along the nave, contrasting with the delicate tracery of the three west windows behind the three conterminous altars.

A delightful supper, good conversation and then back to Hartlip. We all thank Mr. and Mrs. Green for a very enjoyable evening.

Next Meeting 1st. October: Variety of activities.


Women's Institute

The September Monthly Meeting of the Women's Institute was a pleasant and interesting occasion. The business agenda included the final arrangements for the handicraft course commencing on October 3rd, at 2.30 p.m., and members were reminded that nominations for the 1964 committee would be required at the October meeting. The entertainment for the afternoon was the presentation of a film depicting the varied activities of Women's Institutes all over the country which proved of great interest to the members.