Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
November 1963 : page 7 (of 7)
i>Please to remember on 5th November - Parkin and Black Treacle Toffee.
>Parkin - 8oz. medium oatmeal; 4oz. S.R. flour; 4oz. sugar; 3oz. margarine; 1 level teasp. gr. ginger; 4oz. syrup; 4oz. black treacle; 1 breakfastcupful of milk; 1 teasp. B.P.
Mix together all dry ingredients.
Melt the margarine, syrup and treacle in a pan and mix with dry ingredients and the milk.
Pour into a lined roasting tin.
Oven 375oF. reg. 4.
Time 1 1/2 hours
Black Treacle Toffee 8oz. sugar; 4oz. butter; 2 tablesp. of cold water; 1 tablesp. of vinegar, of black treacle, and of syrup.
Put all together into a pan and boil for 20 minutes, stirring all the time.
Test by dropping a little in a cup of cold water.
When it is brittle the toffee is ready.
Pour onto a greased tin and leave to set.
Oct. 20 | Susan Lesley Stevens. |
November Calendar
Nov. 1 | All Saints. 7 a.m., Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m., Holy Communion (Sung). |
5 | 7.30 p.m., Young Wives' Fellowship. |
6 | Parochial Church Council (School). |
7 | Village Hall Committee. |
10 | Remembrance Sunday. Services as usual except that the special Morning Service will begin at 10.50 at the Memorial. |
14 | 7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship - Rev. D. White on "Borstal Chaplain". |
15 | 7 p.m., Beetle Drive and Bring and Buy stall (Primary School). |
16 | 6.15 p.m., Play "The Amorous Prawn at Village Hall. |
19 | 7.30 p.m. Young Wives' Fellowship. |
20 | 2.30 p.m., Mothers' Union. |
28 | 7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship Film Show. |
30 | St. Andrew. 7 a.m., Holy Communion. |
Dec. 7 | Christmas Bazaar. |
Sanctuary Guild
Nov. 3 | Mrs. Kelvie and Mrs. Partridge. |
10 | Mrs. Noble. |
17 | Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Dagge. |
24 | Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. J. Stevens. |
Dec. 1 | Mrs. Titcomb and Miss Woodcock. |
Sidesmen's Rota
Nov. 3 | Mr. Kitchingham | Mr. Allen | Mr. Snape |
10 | Mr. Miles | Mr. Titcomb | Mr. Lawrence |
14 | Mr. Shellock | Mr. Miles | Col. Shand-Tully |
24 | Mr. Taylor | Mr. Moore | Mr. Mabbs |
Dec. 1 | Mr. Kitchingham | Mr. Allen | Mr. Titcomb |