i>Please to remember on 5th November - Parkin and Black Treacle Toffee.

>Parkin - 8oz. medium oatmeal; 4oz. S.R. flour; 4oz. sugar; 3oz. margarine; 1 level teasp. gr. ginger; 4oz. syrup; 4oz. black treacle; 1 breakfastcupful of milk; 1 teasp. B.P. Mix together all dry ingredients. Melt the margarine, syrup and treacle in a pan and mix with dry ingredients and the milk. Pour into a lined roasting tin. Oven 375oF. reg. 4. Time 1 1/2 hours
Black Treacle Toffee 8oz. sugar; 4oz. butter; 2 tablesp. of cold water; 1 tablesp. of vinegar, of black treacle, and of syrup. Put all together into a pan and boil for 20 minutes, stirring all the time. Test by dropping a little in a cup of cold water. When it is brittle the toffee is ready. Pour onto a greased tin and leave to set.



Oct. 20 Susan Lesley Stevens.


November Calendar

Nov. 1 All Saints. 7 a.m., Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m., Holy Communion (Sung).
7.30 p.m., Young Wives' Fellowship.
Parochial Church Council (School).
Village Hall Committee.
10 Remembrance Sunday. Services as usual except that the special Morning Service will begin at 10.50 at the Memorial.
14 7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship - Rev. D. White on "Borstal Chaplain".
15 7 p.m., Beetle Drive and Bring and Buy stall (Primary School).
16 6.15 p.m., Play "The Amorous Prawn at Village Hall.
19 7.30 p.m. Young Wives' Fellowship.
20 2.30 p.m., Mothers' Union.
28 7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship Film Show.
30 St. Andrew. 7 a.m., Holy Communion.
Dec. 7 Christmas Bazaar.

Sanctuary Guild

Nov. 3 Mrs. Kelvie and Mrs. Partridge.
10 Mrs. Noble.
17 Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Dagge.
24 Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. J. Stevens.
Dec. 1 Mrs. Titcomb and Miss Woodcock.

Sidesmen's Rota

Nov. 3 Mr. KitchinghamMr. AllenMr. Snape
10 Mr. MilesMr. TitcombMr. Lawrence
14 Mr. ShellockMr. MilesCol. Shand-Tully
24 Mr. TaylorMr. MooreMr. Mabbs
Dec. 1 Mr. KitchinghamMr. AllenMr. Titcomb