23rd September

A talk by Mrs. Bekker, on "Life in the Jungles of Borneo".

25th September

Visit of the Oral Hygiene Van. This visit was arranged at the special request of the Principal School Dental Officer because of the disappointment of the children in not being able to make a Dental Film, after being chosen to do so from the whole County.

3rd October

Parents' Meeting.

18th October

The Rabbit arrived and there is a rota for it and the children will look after it themselves, even at week-ends. As this was St. Luke's Day the rabbit could have borne the Saint's name the only draw back to this being the sex of the rabbit.

23rd October

James Blades Demonstration of Percussion Instruments, at Barrow Grove School. The Junior children were able to go.

We are very grateful to last year's leavers for their gifts of books for the School Library. These have been suitably inscribed and reinforced and are now in the library.

We are now in the possession of some very fine football shirts which have been very kindly given by the Managers. We hope to have the Managers present at the first match on Saturday, 9th November at 10 a.m. at the Village Recreation Ground.



Mothers' Union

The 1963/64 session of the M.U. opened on Wednesday, 16th October, with a service and short address by the Vicar in the pleasantly personal atmosphere of the Lady Chapel in the Parish Church. Afterwards there was tea and an informal meeting at the Vicarage, by kind invitation of Mrs. Green.


Young Wives' Fellowship

October 1st Variety of Activities

Mrs. Noble gallantly arrived to shepherd us through this first evening, one of many future ones, when we enjoyed our own spontaneous efforts to entertain, amuse, and, more important, to get to know one another. We began with simple play-reading in two groups. Later each group heard the other, and I felt that, even at this stage, things were beginning to warm up, and one or two delicious voices came into their own. Also some delightful comedy lines helped to bring laughter, and consequent enjoyment, ... (cont)