Thank you Mrs. Noble, and those members who came, prepared to contribute to the evening's fun, and went home, exchanging ideas for the Y.W. Christmas Pot-Pourri on December 17th.

October 15th - "Continental Cookery"

Speaker: Mr. H. J. Robbins, Head Chef, St. Barts Hospital. About forty Young Wives sat, armed with recipe leaflets, and watched our deft and skilful demonstrator as, wearing the traditional chef's high hat and white apron, he produced beautifully served dishes such as Gnocchi Pariesienne, Bechamel Sauce, Spaghetti Napolitaine and Rum Omelette. He used the tools of our trade; cooker, table, sink, and a strong left arm, but he seemed to magic up the Choux Paste, and his spaghetti stayed, after cooking, in voluptuous, slinky lengths! Yes, he did comment that these recipes were not for would-be slimmers, but the bistoesque expressions on all our faces, plus our rapt attention, must have been very gratifying to Mr. Robbins and his charming wife.

The Secretary has some spare recipe sheets if anyone is interested, but they have missed the gleam of candlelight on shining silver dishes, and the dimming of the lights as the flames on the Rum Omelette flickered and danced ... and everyone momentarily forgot that we were in the Village Hall.

November Meetings

5thVariety of Activities.
19thWinter Floral Arrangements


Women's Institute

A most enjoyable meeting was held on 8th October, with Mrs. Lawrence presiding. Mr. Crouch from the County Library gave us an unusually interesting talk on "Kentish Books and Writers", illustrated with some very fine coloured slides. The pages of history, the varied beauty of our County and the writers' homes and native surroundings were all there, together with many names, such as Chaucer, Erasmus and H. E. Bates - the whole seasoned with an informative and often humorous commentary. The Plant Bring and Buy stall was well supported and proceeds amounted to 30s., while the Cake Bring and Buy fetched £2 1s. 0d.

The next meeting will be on 12th November at 2.30 p.m., when the new committee will be elected and the speaker will be the Voluntary County Organiser.
