Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
November 1963 : page 3 (of 7)
My dear People,
For me, spending my first autumn in Hartlip, this past month has been a pleasant and stimulating one. Several events have contributed towards this impression. There was our Harvest Supper - 120 guests from all sections and ages, good food, some unrehearsed entertainment, and an excellent spirit pervading the whole function; a real example for any newcomer to this traditional country event. Then, immediately, came Michaelmas; to many, a time for farm sales and flower shows but, in addition, to us our Patronal Festival. The day falling so fortunately on a Sunday gave us a special chance to observe it. Many did so, and increased congregations greeted our visiting preacher in the morning, and our organ recitalist at Evensong. But there must be as many more again in the parish who have been baptised, confirmed or married here, or perhaps Sunday School pupils and choir boys, who were unable to spare one hour that day to give thanks to God for the presence of this church down the ages and for, its influence upon their lives.
However, our Harvest Thanksgiving was to show a more united response. One sensed that in one way or another most people in the parish must have played a part. Our decorators excelled themselves, congregations were really good all day and there was an immense variety of gifts. That Sunday was to me a wonderfully encouraging day. Most of the produce from the church was divided between Keycol Hospital and St. David's Children's Home at Broadstairs, both of whom were clearly very grateful indeed. Some specially selected things I have retained for my "Samaritan's Cupboard", which I intend to distribute to the elderly sick and house-bound at times of special need during the winter.
After these events we seemed to take the Jumble Sale in our stride - though that too needed effort and co-operation - and a most useful £40 3s. 3d. was added to the Magazine Account. Even the clothing left over served a useful purpose; it was gratefully received by the W.V.S. Clothing Centre in Sittingbourne. So, with the societies all starting up again, it has been particularly a month of community effort, which is after all the essence of life - working with others and for others. Nothing is more satisfying. I most sincerely hope that this spirit will continue to grow and flourish in Hartlip.
Your sincere friend and Vicar,