Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
August 1963 : page 4 (of 7)
It seems a little precipitous to be following on a first letter from the Methodist minister of Hartlip with one from another minister yet to take over, but I am indeed happy that the relationship between the two Christian Churches in Hartlip is such that an opportunity is afforded for us to write in the Parish Magazine.
My predecessor Rev. L. Groves has done much to foster happy relations between Church and Chapel and I trust that by God's good hand we shall able to build in future days the bridges of Christian fellowship and service that are so vital in a day when the Church is a piece of meaningless antiquity to so many. Thank God for the winds of change that are blowing not only through the courts of the Temple but the minds of the worshippers, helping us to overcome the historic bitterness and prejudice that has confounded the work of God and confused the minds of men. Mahatma Gandhi once said "True religion is not narrow dogma. It is not external observance .... it is faith in God, and living in the presence of God".
With all its faults there is no substitute for the Christian Church, for it supplies that dimension to life which is so sorely lacking in society today. It presents God to men and brings men to God. No man with all his success, popularity and security is a complete being without God, whilst no man lacks the vital factor for living if, without these he still has God. The glory of the Christian Faith, that which we hold in common, is the truth that God in Christ Jesus is sufficient for all men's needs and He will make all things new - the hearts of individual people and the heart of mankind.
I look forward with keen anticipation to the work of God in the parish of Hartlip.
Methodist Minister
Young Wives' Fellowship
On 10th July 17 members were able, at last, to respond to the longstanding invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Illingworth to visit them in their retirement at Lyminge. A cloudy, cool evening did not prevent some of us from sitting for a time in their garden or all of us from enjoying Mrs. Illingworth's savoury tart and mince pies and fruit flan. Our host and hostess were clearly enjoying their retirement, though this latter word may not be an accurate description - judging by the remarks of the local rector and his wife, who definitely approved of their choice of location.
Women's Institute
The July meeting was held on the 9th, with Mrs. Lawrence presiding, and thanking everyone who helped in any way towairds the success of the Village fete. A suggestion was made, and ..... (cont)