My dear People,

We have been much encouraged by the reception so far of the new magazine by the comments made and the increased circulation; this has gone up since last month by almost 40. We believe, however, that we have not yet reached the maximum number of subscribers; they should be over 150. Do you, know anyone living in the parish, or previously resident and living elsewhere, who does not at present receive the magazine? If so, please urge them to subscribe at once. Many people have, of course, helped to give the magazine a good start and not least among them are our advertisers. May I place on record now how, much, we appreciate their confidence, goodwill and support.

August is, of course, a holiday month for many, especially the children, and this leads me to give notice that our Sunday School will not be held at all in August or on the first Sunday in September. This will also give a well-earned break to Miss Whitehead and Miss Woodcock, who faithfully direct and teach, Sunday by Sunday, all through the year - a most exacting commitment, which is a real test of a lay person's devotion. I myself will be away for two Sundays, 18th and 25th August, doing a "locum" for the Vicar of Swaffham, Norfolk. During this period, 15th-29th, urgent parochial matters should be referred to Mr. Bone or the Deputy Warden, Mr. Allen.

Finally, I must draw your attention to an impending money-raising effort. Thanks to the kindness of Mr. William Wakeley arrangements have been made for the Church to man at least one bin in the Dane Lane hopfield. Picking is due to begin about the 3rd September. Volunteers, for short or long periods and in any numbers, will be very welcome and can sign up in the church porch. As food for thought, Newington made, I believe, £35 in this way, and with the sun shining it could be pleasant as well!

Your sincere friend and Vicar,