
At Evensong on Sunday, 4th July, our Vicar admitted Jeanne Down to full membership of the Society. The banner was carried by Joyce Skinner, supported by Pearl Charlesworth and Valerie Tossell. After the service the Vicar presented the bronze star, for 14 years' loyal membershir to Winifred Whitehead, a 7 years' certificate to Kathleen Read, and 3 years certificates to Winifred and Doris Shaw, Joyce Skinner and Jean White. Unfortunately it was a very wet evening and many were prevented fron coming. Nine other members had their certificates sent to them. Central Competition (marks gained by Hartlip competitors)

JEAN WHITE, member - verse speaking 76%, elocution 79%

PEARL CHARLESWORTH, prentice - verse speaking 78%, Bible reading 74%, handwork 55%.

NIAUREEN PAYNE, prentice - verse speaking 74%, Bible reading 70%, hand work 67%

VALERIE TOSSELL, candidate - verse speaking 72%, Bible reading 73%

HEATHER WARNER, candidate - verse speaking 72%, Bible reading 70%

HAZEL DADSON, candidate - verse speaking 70%, Bible reading 70%

ANN ROBINSON, candidate - verse speaking 68%, Bible reading 71%

On the 17th July, Mrs. Mutter, Winifred Whitehead, Eileen Payne, Jeanne Down, Jean McLean and Rosemary McLean spent a day in London. First, we went to Townsend House (headquarters of the G.F.S.), when the prize winning entries for central competitions handwork from all over England and Wales were on view. The work was all on a very high standard. Some of the church embroidery was exquisite. It was astonishing to see what beautiful work in all sections - needlework, knitting, leather work, etc. - could be done even by Prentices and Candidates. We also visited the beautiful Chapel and the Bookshop, where we could have spent a long time, but wanted to do a little sight-seeing. We were in Westminster Abbey, and then saw the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Whitehall, the Cenotaph, Earl Haig's Statue, the Horse Guards Parade, and a little corner of St. James Park. After lunch we went to the Central Hall, Westminster for the great "Display." That was a wonderful two hours of music, drama and dancing. Again it was the picked teams from all over England who showed the varied talent and activities of G.F.S. The Archbishop of Canterbury spoke to us and so did our Central President, Mrs. Brook. The Hartlip banner was among many very lovely ones decorating the hall and stairway: Jeanne Down and Jean McLean were programme sellers. So our branch has done its little bit to help the G.F.S.


At a beautiful service in the choir of Canterbury Cathedral on the 8th June, Mrs. Milgate and Miss Wadham presented Hartlip's offering to the Archbishop. The total offering of the women of the Diocese amounted to over £1,000.