Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
August 1948 : page 3 (of 4)
I am hoping to be away on holiday from August 24th to September 7th. I have been unable to find anyone to take Sunday duty for me on August 29th, so I shall be back for that day. On the following Sunday, Colonel Day will kindly take Martins and Evensong, and the Rev. A. H. Lance, Vicar of Newington, will take the early service of Holy Communion; but as this has to be fitted in with his own Parish services, we cannot have our service at 8 as usual. It will have to be at 8.45 a.m.
By the time this Magazine is in your hands I shall have been Vicar of Hartlip for one year, and I regret that there are still some Hartlip people whom I have not met. I have called at every house in the Parish, but some of you were out when I called - well, I am still hoping to see you in your homes - and I still hope to see many more of you at Church. If you are members of the Chapel congregation, do go regularly - go regularly to your own "Place of Worship." Do bear faithful witness to Christ our Lord. You accept the things which He, of His love supplies - food, clothing, home, family-life - well, do not be ashamed to acknowledge Him or to worship Him in His House.
Please pray for the true and lasting peace of God in the world, and have in mind specially Palestine and Berlin. Tennyson was right when he wrote: "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
God bless you and keep you.
Your Sincere friend and Vicar,
Holy Baptism
July 11 - Richard Andrew Dadson.
" 1, 18 - Dennis William Luckhurst.
Each is made "a member of Christ, the Child of God and an inheritor of the Kingdom of Heaven."
Holy Matrimony
July 17 - Charles Frances Cox and Doris May Skinner.
They are no more twain, but are flesh"
Christian Burial,
July 10 - Maria Scott.
" 11 13 - Mildred Gambell.
"In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord."