Dear Friends,

When you read this, 1966 will have begun, and we shall have been launched out on a New Year. The celebration of the New Year doesn't figure in Western Christendom's Church calendar, though it does in the Eastern Church. In Methodism, however, for two hundred years we have sought to "baptize into Christ" this particular celebration, with a Watchnight service on New Year's Eve and our Annual Covenant service on an appropriate Sunday. This year at Hartlip we are holding our Covenant service at 6.30 on Sunday, January 9th, and, as last year, it is a united service conducted by the Vicar and myself, and communicant Anglicans are warmly invited to come and share with Methodists in this annual renewal of our covenant with God. The Liturgy for this occasion has its origins with Richard Collet in seventeenth century Anglicanism, was adapted for the use of Methodists by John Wesley, and was revised again earlier this century. It has been a prominent feature of the worship of many ecumenical gatherings, and is one of the treasures of the Methodist heritage that we offer to the whole Church of Christ as a contribution to the worship of that coming reconciled, and renewed Church of the future.

It is an appropriate thing that we renew our covenant in the season of Christmas, for it so becomes our reasonable and proper response to the message of Bethlehem. What better way to complete our Advent and Christmas worship than by renewing our allegiance to the God who has sent us His Son?



Warmest Congratulations

To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parker, of Dane Lane, on celebrating their Golden Wedding Day on 11th December. We all wish them many more years of happy married life.


Also to Christine Moore on gaining a place at Norwich Teachers' Training College for September, 1966.


At our Gift Service on Sunday evening, 19th December, were distributed according to the "age suitability" of the gift - some to Green Porch Home, Milton (7 - 14 years) and the rest to St David's Home, Broadstairs (0 - 5 years), who also benefit annually from our Harvest produce. Both the Warden of the former and the matron of the latter (a Church of England Children's Society Home) were obviously very grateful.

The Choir

Gained 7 new recruits in November! Welcome to Jennifer, Tony and Mark Watson, Vivienne and Yvonne Cole, Linda Davies and Lesley Ambrose. It is good to find young ones keen to serve God through the church worship. A great tonic, not least to Mr. Bone who so faithfully turns out on Wednesday evenings week by week for a choir practice that has, till recently, been attended only by a faithful few.