This page is the same in all editions of the Parish Magazine from January 1966 to March 1966 inclusive.

Vicar: The Revd. J. H. G-W. Green, M.A., The Vicarage Newington 337

Churchwardens: Mr. W. C. Moore, Eastfields, Hartlip. Newington 333
Mr. G. F. W. Allen, August, Munn's Lane Newington 461

P.C.C. Secretary: Mr. W. C. Moore

P.C.C. Treasurer: Mr. G. F. W. Allen

Assistant Treasurer: Mr. A. C. Taylor, Woodpeckers

Organist: Mr G. R. Bone, Guilsted Court. Rainham 81440

Headmaster of Church Primary School: Mr. D. R. Snape, School House. Newington 473


Holy Communion every Sunday at 8 a.m. and on second Sunday
in the month at 12 noon.
Parish Communion (Sung) on first Sunday at 9.30 a.m.
Sunday School at 10 a.m., except first Sunday.
Mattins, 11 a.m.
Evensong, 6.30 p.m.

Holy Communion on Saints' Days at 7 a.m., and as announced.

Baptisms, Churchings, Banns of Marriage by arrangement with the Vicar. It is requested that all cases of sickness be notified to the Vicar as soon as possible.

Methodist Minister: Rev. Denis Gardiner, 88 Rock Avenue, Gillingham. Tel. 52429

Trust Secretary and Organist: Mr. George Pope, 11 South Bush Lane, Rainham.

Society Steward: Mr. Bob Pope, 1 Pear Tree Cotts., Hartlip.

Trust Treasurer: Mr. G. Millgate, Paradise Farm Cottages, Hartlip.

Evening Service: Sundays at 6.30 p.m.


Mothers' Union: Secretary, Mrs. Harlow, Queenfield. Spade Lane. Rainham. 81807.

Christian Fellowship: Secretary, Mr. W. C. Moore, Eastfields. Newington 333.

Young Wives' Fellowship: Secretary, Mrs. Buchan, Aurea, Mill Hill Lane. Newington 327.

Women's Institute: Mrs. E. Rowland, "South Riding". Newington 339.

Guides & Brownies: Captain, Mrs. Taylor, "Woodpeckers". Newington 523.

Cricket Club: Secretary, Mr. A. Brown, "Rossmoor", Pump Lane. Rainham 82455.

Youth Club: Secretary, David Trinkwon, 7 Epps Road, Sittingbourne.

Village Hall: Secretary, Mr. H. Lloyd, 7 Grainy Field to whom applications
for the hire of the Hall should be made.