October Calendar

9.30 a.m., M.U. Corporate Communion.
1.30 p.m., Y.W. & M.F. - Variety of Activities
7.30 p.m., Primary School Parents' Meeting.
7.30 p.m., Hall Committee.
7.00 p.m., Harvest Supper (Hall).
10 Trinity 17.
11.00 a.m., Mattins, with baptism of Matilda Webb.
13 7.30 p.m., P.C.C. (School).
14 7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship united service.
16 2.30 p.m., Jumble Sale, in aid of Magazine (Hall).
18 St. Luke. 7 a.m., Holy Communion.
19 7.30 p.m., Y.W. & M.F. - "Cooking in a hurry"
20 7.30 p.m., Sunday School staff, prayer and discussion.
21 2.30 p.m., M.U. Service - Preacher, Rev. C. A. R. Walter of Frinsted.
23 7.30 p.m., Whist Drive (in aid of Heating Fund) by kind invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, "August" Munn's Lane. Tickets 5/- (including refreshments).
24 Trinity 19. Education Sunday.
Preacher at 6.30 p.m., Rev. Graham Neville, Chaplain at Christ Church Training College, Canterbury.
8 p.m., Discussion and refreshments at the Vicarage with Mr. Neville and others from the College.
28 St. Simon and St. Jude. 7 a.m., Holy Communion. 10.30 a.m., Coffee Morning at Rose Cottage, in aid of the Heating Fund.
31 Trinity 20.
6.30 p.m., Officiant and preacher, Rev. John Meacham, Vicar of Sittingbourne.

Sanctuary Guild

Oct. 10 Mrs. Kelvie and Mrs. Partridge.
17 Mrs. Noble.
24 Mrs. Kitchingham.
31 Mrs. Titcomb and Miss E. Woodcock.
Nov. 7 Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Stevens.

Sidesmen's Rota

Oct. 10 Mr. Mabbs.Mr. Chambers.Mr. R. Kendrick.
17 Mr. Osborn.Mr. B. Orr.Mr. C. Mannerings.
24 Mr. Lawrence.Mr. Titcomb.Mr. Snape.
31 Mr. D. Kendrick.Mr Wallis.Mr. Fentiman.
Nov. 7 Mr. KitchinghamMr. Fentiman.Mr. D. Luckhurst.