
A further reminder that our Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday, 4th December. Stalls with those in charge in brackets, are: Needlework (Mrs. Holt), Floral Art (Mrs. Noble), Curio (Mrs. Green), Cake (Mrs. Williamson), Produce (Mr. Lawrence), Jams (Mrs. Shellock), Handkerchief Girl (Mrs. Ambrose), Teas (Mrs. Kelvie), Toys (Mrs. ?).

Jumble Sale

At 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, 16th October, at the Village Hall, in aid of the Parish Magazine. If we are to keep up our standard of printing and production we urgently need funds. So please go through your drawers and wardrobes, and tell your friends in the area about it. Articles should be sent to the vicarage or on Saturday morning to the Hall. If asked I will willingly collect anything large. Children's clothes are specially acceptable.



Mothers' Union

It was a lovely sunny morning on 23rd September when eleven members of the M.U. boarded a minibus for their outing to Windsor. A cup of coffee in the attractive village of Westerham helped us on our journey across country finally to have an impressive view of the Castle ahead. An enjoyable though late lunch, and then our separate ways the Chapel Royal, the State Apartments, the Queen's dolls house, and, for the energetic ones, climbing of the Round Tower. On then to Runnymede and the R.A.F. Memorial, see at its best in the sunset and quietness of a beautiful day. On the road again, reaching Hartlip at 9 o'clock, a little tired but all agreeing we had had a wonderful outing.

Our thanks go to the Vicar for his driving and escort duty and to Mr. and Mrs. Wallis for mapping our route and arranging an excellent parking place.

Young Wives' and Mothers' Fellowship

The Y.W. and M.F. opened their 1965-66 meetings with a very pleasant evening listening to Mrs. Luckett, a "Berlei" corset representative from Hulburd's. Mrs. Banham very courageously modelled some of the very pretty garments. Mrs. Luckett told us that from the tall and willowy to the short and plump we all fit into five different figure types and that Berlei can solve all our figure problems by disguising our surplus fat into well distributed curves.

The Y.W. and M.F. were very sorry to say good-bye to Mrs. Chandler and wish her every happiness in her new life in Rhodesia.