September Calendar

Sept. 4 6.30 p.m., Car Rally (in aid of Village Hall Funds), starting from the Hall.
7.30 p.m., "Floral Art in Church" (Village Hall).
14 2.30 p.m., Women's Institute.
21 St. Matthew. 7 a.m. Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Y.W.M.F. "Corsetry"; Enrolment Evening.
22 7.30 p.m., P.C.C. - "Christian Stewardship", (School).
23 M.U. Outing to Windsor.
26 Trinity XV. 11 a.m., Mattins, followed by Recital.
29 St. Michael and All Angels.
7 a.m., Holy Communion.
9.30 a.m., Day School Eucharist.
10.30 a.m., Coffee Morning at the Vicarage - with Bring and Buy stall in aid of the Heating Fund.

Harvest Supper.
16 Jumble Sale (in aid of Parish Magazine).

Sanctuary Guild

Sept. 12 Mrs. C. Mannerings and Miss P. Hales.
19 Mrs. R. Allen and Mrs. Holt.
26 Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Harlow.
Oct. 3 Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Knight.

Sidesmen's Rota

Sept. 12 Mr. Williamson.26 Mr. Fentiman.
Mr. Snape.Mr. D. Luckhurst.
Mr R. Kendrick.Mr. Taylor.
19 Mr. Chambers.Oct. 3 Mr. Kitchingham.
Mr. D. Kendrick.Mr. Williamson.
Mr. C. Mannerings.(9.30)
Mr. Titcomb.