My Dear People,

I am writing this, of course, when on holiday, enjoying the sea air and change of scenery in Romney Marsh and very conscious that we were blessed at the beginning with 12 consecutive days of really warm, sunny weather.

In New Romney itself the Church is preparing for their annual Gift Day early in September. It is "giving", too, in its broadest sense besides money, gifts in kind (for a produce stall at an exhibition) and gifts of service are both expected. There is about the day a spirit of re-dedication. Now we in Hartlip have a day in September to which we, too, should look forward. It is St. Michael and All Angels Day. It is a day, of course, on which we should all be specially thankful for the witness of our church in this village for over 700 years.

As an expression of this feeling we are first having a short Music Recital at Mattins on the Sunday before; Mr. Antony Bussell, a student at the Guidhall School of Music, will be singing some solos (with organ accompaniment), interspersed with some organ solos. Secondly, on 29th September itself, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7 o'clock and again at 9.30, this being the termly Sung Eucharist of our own Church School. Immediately after this there will be a Coffee Morning at the Vicarage, at which there will be a Bring and Buy stall for the Church Heating Appeal. Though the idea is there to raise a little more money, for this fund, I would stress that the main intention of my wife and I is to welcome as many of the parish as possible to our home on this special day. Please do not treat this as a formal occasion; do please come, even though you are in the middle of housework or can only manage a few minutes. It is illustrative of our constant desire that callers of any age should feel very welcome at the Vicarage at any time of the day.

Your sincere friend and Vicar,