Hop Picking

There will be no Church Bin this year. This has been reluctantly decided in view of several factors, particularly the small number of volunteers on the church porch list and the probable late start to the picking. All things being equal, we hope to take a bin again next year.

Sunday School

Begins again on 12th September at 10 a.m. There is, of course, the usual 9.30 Parish Communion on 5th September, when children, with or without parents, are very welcome and specially catered for. This is the moment also to pay tribute to those who supervise and teach - Mrs. Allen, Miss W. Whitehead, Mrs. Thomas, Christine Moore and Ann Williamson, all of whom give faithful, dedicated service Sunday by Sunday. May I add that we still need more help, even if it was only on alternate Sundays; and an offer from a man would be specially welcome.

July, 1965

Began a new "Advertising Year" and we wish once again to express our sincere thanks to our advertisers, who continue to support our magazine. Please do your best to give them preference when shopping.



Cricket Club

July 31 Stockbury 74 (B. Carlton 6-27, Beardsall 3-20).
Hartlip 79-1 (Beardsall 40 n.o., Green 27 n.o.).
Aug. 7 Belnor Club 70 (Selling 4-5, B. Carlton 3-28).
Hartlip 74-7 (A. Carlton 18, Smith 16, B. Carlton 16 n.o.).
14 Hartlip 74 (B. Carlton 18).
Newington 75-5 (Selling 3-35).