My Dear People,

You will all know of St. Luke. He is one of three saints whose lives the Church specially remembers this month. The other two, St. Simon and St. Jude, are not so well known. All three were Apostles and yet what a contrasted trio! Luke was the brainy one - doctor, writer, artist; the three talent man. Simon was not so clever but he had a most valuable characteristic, for which he was noted - dedicated enthusiasm; probably a two talent man. Jude we're told nothing about, meaning he had no outstanding characteristic; but each of the Twelve had something of value to our Lord; even if it was simply a quiet courage or a good nature; so we can certainly credit him with one talent. Three, two, one. What about you who read this? Are you using all the natural abilities which your Maker has given you? Moreover, are you using them entirely for self or for others as well?

Whether churchgoer or not, if you believe in God as Creator this is a question that must be faced. We have His word for it that in this respect, as in all others, we are stewards. Nothing is more certain that in the end, like all stewards, each of us will have to account for our stewardship. So often our trusteeship is cautious and possessive; there is no intention of offering it for wider use. Why not do so next Sunday along with your alms and the produce of farm and garden? Behind it all, a thankful heart.

Your sincere friend and Vicar,



Sunday, 3rd October

8.00 a.m.Holy Communion.
11.00 a.m.Mattins (Sung).
6.30 p.m.Evensong.