My dear People,

Some of you may have watched B.B.C. "Meeting Point" last Sunday. It was entitled "Daughters in Trouble" and the discussion centred round the unmarried mother. Two such girls were interviewed by Geoffrey Wheeler, who also chaired the ensuing discussion between three people experienced in these problems. Leaving aside everything else that was said, the panel quickly spotted one thing that was apparent from the calm and thoughtful answers of both these girls - in each cases their relations with their parents were unsatisfactory.

Within minutes of watching this programme I had picked up the "Sunday Times" Weekly Review. On the front page was the headline "Teenage Morals, and the inescapable factor of parental indifference". Below it was an enlightening extract from the Report of a three-year survey by the Central Council for Health Education. This was a survey in origin entirely unconnected with the Church or religion in general. They had used the newest sociological techniques to analyse the replies of 939 girls and 934 boys from seven areas in Great Britain. The survey was scientific in background and execution and the conclusion was still the age-old one - that relations with the parents, the discipline in the home and especially the parents' interest in and concern for their teenage children were the most important influences on the development of the adolescent.

Here once more is a salutary reminder for all parents of their great responsibilities for their children's characters and behaviour. Especially though is this applicable to parents such as myself, with children between the ages of three and 10. It is then, rather than later, that a healthy, sound relationship is built up between parent and child. Experience continues to point to real affection, allied to sensible discipline, as the basis of such a relationship. Given all this, the young person still needs supernatural help in facing life's problems and temptations. In this connection I much hope that all parents will read the first three articles of this month's Inset.

Your sincere friend and Vicar,