Young Wives' Fellowship

March 17th, Dahlias and Delphiniums Speaker: Mr. Stuart Ogg.

Our speaker, an acknowledged expert on his subject, showed, as his first slides, an uninteresting mud-coloured bunch of carrot-shaped roots, which is the unglamorous beginning of every dahlia. Succinctly, he proved that, keeping the planted tubers succulent, we were bound to succeed. Then came the successes; our "Guiding Star" showed us, with "Authority", "Outsider", "Chorus Girl" and "Popular Guest" alike, the beauties of his Dahlia family. I loved the large cactus white "Polar Sight", the purple, white-tipped "Edinburgh" and the new red "Poros". The delphiniums came into the captivating slides of floral arrangements, all azures, ultramarines, mauves, and violets ... the colours displayed themselves. We said a sincere and appreciative "Cheerio" to our guest, and a very hearty vote of thanks was given to the operator of the "Chinese Lantern", Mr. W. Allen.


Christian Fellowship

On 12th March Mr. Turner's excellent illustrated talk on Romney Marsh resulted in a collection of £2 10s. 0d., which was given to the R.N.L.I., Mr. Turner being the treasurer of the Romney Marsh branch. On 21st March the film "Genevieve" almost filled the Hall, to the apparent enjoyment of everyone. Thanks to this support our expenses were covered.


Women's Institute

Mrs. Lawrence presided over the March meeting, when news was given that Hartlip proposes to enter the "Best-Kept Village" competition. Mrs. Mara's talk on the "Way of life in the U.S.A." was followed by a lively discussion - unfortunately curtailed by lack of time. The W.I. and its similar bodies are apparently vital in America because of the vast distances between towns and it is often the only social link. Mrs. Mara also judged Mrs. Harlow's pot of bulbs to be the best. Next month's meeting, 14th April, will have the Governor of Maidstone prison as its speaker.

Mrs. Marshall is holding a coffee morning on 30th April, from 10.30 to 12 and it is hoped that as many as possible will attend, as it will be combined with a bring and buy sale.


Guides and Brownies

We are delighted and proud to announce that the Company has a second Queens Guide - Penelope Franklin. We all congratulate her; this badge means many weeks of hard work and perseverance! We hope that our County Commissioner will be coming to present this coveted badge, and to make her first visit to the Brownie Pack.