Harlow, Kitchingham, Lawrence, Leonard, Milgate, Philpott, Stevens and Titcomb.

A Caring Church

Is the reason behind the Social Welfare annual house to house collection, due in April. This is the Church's own organisation for helping individuals with family and personal problems. Your money goes towards the cost of several Homes in the diocese (including two Children's Homes) and of the 12 case-workers. These latter, working in close co-operation with other Welfare officials, deal with about 800 cases a year. Please receive the collectors when they call with sympathy and generosity.

Car Rally

Organised annually by the Christian Fellowship will be on Saturday, 25th April, starting at 7 p.m. from the Village Hall. The usual qualities will be called for, but there will be differences from the last two! Enquiries, and names, if possible, to Mrs. Andrews. Proceeds from a small entry charge to Fellowship Funds.

Red-letter Date

Is Wednesday, 8th April, when our Annual Vestry and Parochial Church meeting will take place. The agenda is of definite concern and interest to every member of the church. It includes reports on the church life in the past year, on the fabric and the furnishings, as well as the election of officers and council. Please note time and place now 7.30 p.m. at the Village Hall.

Our Congratulations

And best wishes, to Miss Joan Marshall who, on 21st March, was married to Mr. Bernard Ian Jack of Sittingbourne in our Methodist Chapel. Joan, with her mother and sisters, has been closely associated with our chapel all her life.



Mothers' Union

The March meeting on 19th brought us Mrs. Brown, of Borden, to speak, on Christian Standards, a subject that we all need to be conscious of. Speaking on the theme of "dishonesty" she went. beyond the usual "dishonesty of money and materials" to that of "time" and "purpose" (this in practice means unreliability). Mrs. Green expressed thanks to Mrs. Brown for her challenging - talk and then tea was served by Mrs. Kitchingham, assisted by Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Titcomb.