Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1963 : page 5 (of 7)
29rd October
The junior children visited Matts Hill Pumping Station in connection with a study of water purification, and Mr. Barty from the Medway Water Board gave an interesting talk. We were grateful to Mr. Field - one of our parents - for making the arrangements.
1st November All Saints Day
Day School Eucharist at 9.30 a.m.
8th November
Woollens collected - School Fund the better by £3 0s. 0d.
9th November
Football Match with Newington School. Hartlip won 2-nil; perhaps their new shirts, presented by the Managers, gave added enthusiasm. We were very pleased to have some of the Managers to the match and to coffee at School House afterwards.
12th November
Miss H. C. Taylor, the Schools Secretary of the U.M.C.A. visited the school and spoke to both classes on missionary work in Africa.
15th November
The Beetle Drive and Bring and Buy Stall. A very happy and successful evening.
19th November
A talk by Mr. O. Dzidzienyo from the Commonwealth Institute on "Living in Ghana".
Mothers' Union
On 29th October a number of us joined with other members from the area at a Deanery Meeting at Upchurch. For many of us it was the first time we had been in their new Hall and we loved the large windows, the canteen counter and most effective heating. We listened to Mrs. Reynolds, J.P., from Folkestone, who gave us an interesting account of her work in the magistrates' courts and some of their problems. An excellent tea, provided by the Upchurch branch, completed an enjoyable and worthwhile afternoon. Our thanks are due to our three "taxi" drivers for helping us over the short but difficult journey.
The November monthly meeting on 20th opened with prayers by the Vicar. After notices Mrs. Green introduced the speaker, Mrs. Richmond, who gave a very interesting talk on the work of the M.U. A well-supported Bring and Buy stall brought £1 14s. 0d. into our funds.
A.G. & M.H.