My dear People,

"All Saints' Day. Day School Eucharist" - so reads the entry in the School Log Book against 1st November. This was a completely new thing for our children and an occasion which I for one will remember. The Juniors led the worship and singing (to Merbecke) quite competently and reverently, in spite of only a few weeks' acquaintance with both the Communion Service and the music. They showed once again that the young can play a full part in assisting in adult worship. This Service has also, I hope, begun the custom of a termly School Eucharist (probably on a Saint's Day or Festival). Most important, our children will thereby grow up having some understanding of this central act of Christian worship.

There remains little more to say about the Christmas Bazaar. Many people are quietly working for it in their homes. It has tested people's ingenuity, as well as their devotion and generosity, and I hope that everyone has enjoyed preparing for it. I can only ask now for your full personal support on December 7th.

Finally, there is Christmas itself ahead. How are you proposing to spend it? I find it just as difficult as anyone to avoid this tidal wave of commercialism, but it has to be done. Our faith and our Christian heritage will be infinitely weakened if we don't The occasion is in fact Christ's birthday. Just like our own family birthday parties we owe Him full birthday honours. In red letters in your diaries should be your firm intention to make your communion at the Lord's Table that day. Moreover, the Carol Service the Sunday evening before gives just that opportunity for preparation. As further practical measures, may I suggest that we check any tendency to wild, lavish spending or feasting? Also that we deliberately give a present to at least one person unlikely to be able to give anything (in kind or service) in return - those helped by Inter-Church Aid or Oxfam spring at once to mind. By such means alone shall we retain the real meaning of Christmas.

Your sincere friend and Vicar,


11.30 p.m. (Christmas Eve) Holy Communion (Sung).
 8.00 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. Holy Communion.
 9.45 a.m. Children's Service.
10.30 a.m. Mattins and Sermon.