Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1963 : page 4 (of 7)
Dear Friends,
With Christmas soon upon us my wife and I should like to take the opportunity of expressing the wish that it may be a time of blessing and joy for you all.
There is magic about this wonderful festival that fills us all with the wonder and excitement of children. This is not surprising when we think that Our Lord laid aside His Glory to become a human baby, helpless and beloved.
We cherish the accumulating memories of Christmas's past and rejoice that there is such a thing to brighten our lives in the depth of the winter. We will remember even more that this is no "man-made" institution in spite of its commercialism. It is the time when God gave Himself for our sakes and forevermore is one with us in our needs, our joys, our fears and our faith.
"O come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Immanuel."
Poppy days
Collection for Earl Haig's Fund, ably organised by Mrs. C. M. Stevens, yielded £13 11s. 3d. It was good to see that at least one of the sellers, Graham Cole, came from the younger generation.
Annual house-to-house collection will not take place this year, out of consideration for an increased number of appeals for subscriptions from parishioners recently. We hope, however, that people will give generously when the collection is made next Spring. Donations would still be welcome this year.
Last Post
And Reveille were sounded on Remembrance Sunday by two boys from King's School, Rochester, after a last-minute appeal for buglers. We are very grateful to their Headmaster for permission and to the boys for agreeing, in a term when their band is not officially in being.
Your £50
Of Christian Aid Week helped Kent to a total of £42,000, almost half the amount of the whole southern region of England Collection for Inter-Church Aid.