The Committee cannot relax in its fund raising efforts, as it is important to clear our debts as soon as possible, so that new ventures can be embarked upon, the ideas are there, we just need the cash.

My request for all the users of the Hall to make sure electricity is not wasted has not been heeded; heaters still get left on and if this continues the hirers concerned will have to be charged extra, so please make an extra check up, before you lock the Hall if you are the last to leave. 'Thank You'.

Committee Member


The Stockbury Not So Young Club had a very enjoyable evening on May 6th, Mr. & Mrs. Brook came to meet the members and were welcomed by all present. After the business, Mr. R. Pearson held a Common Market Ballot on "staying in or not", and many points were raised for and against, and the result was a win for entering of 37 for and 4 against, 2 spoilt papers.

On May 7th we were unlucky with the weather for our afternoon outing, but it did not spoil our enjoyment, a very nice tour through the Weald and a nice cup of tea at 4 o'clock kept us all cheerful.

June 14th is our Jumble Sale, all goods welcomed by any member.

P. Ezra.


The sponsored walk raised £20 with which we hope to buy a piece of playground equipment. We hope to arrange a beach combing party for the 9-14 year old children. Due to the lighter nights, the children are able to enjoy outdoor sports some weeks.

Lastly, we have some sad news, our Secretary and very good friend, D. James, will be leaving us soon as she is moving house, we wish her much happiness in her new home.
