became apparent to me that he was a man of humble character, generous spirit, and unselfish service. To his wife and family I would extend, on behalf of us all in Hartlip, our sincere sympathy in their bereavement.

May he rest in peace.



As the magazine was going to press news was received that Mr. Kitchingham had died in the early hours of Sunday morning, May 25th, 1975. The deepest sympathy of everyone in Hartlip will, I know, go out to his wife and family. May he rest in peace.


We hope to enter the 'Best Kept Village Competition' and the following will give some idea of the points to which attention is given and the maximum number of marks out of a hundred that each aspect of the village is worth in the competition:

1Tidiness of principal features e.g. village green; school; churchyard; war memorial.30
2Tidiness of built up areas e.g. front gardens; hedges; grass verges.30
3Community effort: the emphasis should be on support and special activities of committees, youth organisations, etc. and attention will be paid to the promotion of the competition in the village.30
4Restraint in commercial advertising, e.g. absence of clutter, excessive posters and window-stickers.10

Please help your Parish Council and all Societies in the village to make it a credit to the County of Kent.


Writing about money matters is not really my line, but I do so now because like those of every other organisation and every individual person, our parish finances are being stretched to the very utmost - and beyond!

My purpose in writing is not particularly to ask if you will increase your weekly gift to the Church, though that would be splendid if you could manage it. No, my purpose is to ask if you will seriously consider covenanting the gift you already make - because a covenant means so much more. It works like this, for every l0p you covenant, the Church will receive from the Inland Revenue a tax refund of approximately 05p - making the original 10 into 15p. This example is based on the present tax rate; and provided that you pay tax of 05p per week, there is no extra charge to your contribution and your tax will not be affected. Here are some more examples:

Covenanted sum
per week
per yeartax refundTotal gift

This really is a way of giving more by giving the same! A covenant means so much more!