Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
May 1968 : page 8 (of 8)
Sixers Deborah Geoghegan, Jane Seymour and Hazel Kyle will be leaving the Pack to join the Company this term. We thank them for their service to the Pack and wish them every success as Guides. The Brownies have their new handbooks and are looking forward to starting the new scheme. We welcome two new recruits, Catherine Knight and Penelope Green. As she will be going to college in September, this will be the last term we shall have our efficient "Tawny Owl", Lesley Bostock. If anyone is interested in helping with a cheerful and lively Brownie Pack, we meet at Hartlip School on Monday evenings from 5.30 to 7 p.m.
Mar. 31 Andrew Thomas, son of Gerald and Jenny Smith.
Easter Communicants - 96
May Calendar
May 7 | 7.30 p.m., Y.W.F. - Yelsted Pottery. |
11 | 2.30 p.m., Hartlip C.C. v. B.P. (A). |
13-18 | Christian Aid Week (see elsewhere for details). |
14 | 7.00 p.m., W.I. - N.S.P.C.C. |
15 | 7.30 p.m., P.C.C. (School). |
16 | 2.30 p.m., M.U. - Mr. Hibbert. |
18 | 2.30 p.m., Hartlip C.C. v. Lordswood (H.). |
19 | Rogation Sunday. 11 a.m., Mattins, including the blessing of the orchards. 6.30 p.m., Youth Service (with St. Mark's group). |
21 | 7.30 p.m., Y.W.F. Talk and films by Wedgwood. |
23 | Ascension Day. 7.00 a.m., Holy Communion. 9.30 a.m., Day School Eucharist. |
25 | 2.30 p.m., Hartlip C.C. v. Eastchurch Prison (A.). |
27 | 7.40 Group meet. |
June 1 | 2.30 p.m., Hartlip C.C. v. Woodstock (H.). |
2 | WHITSUNDAY. Usual services for first Sunday. |
Sanctuary Guild
May 12 | Mrs. Gammie and Mrs. Hinge. |
19 | Mrs. Green and Mrs. Taylor. |
26 | The Misses E. and W. Whitehead. |
June 2 | Mrs. Noble and Mrs. Macklen. |
Sidesmen's Rota
May 12 | Mr. Tong. | Mr. D. Luckhurst. | Mr. A. Williamson. |
19 | Mr. Ford. | Mr. Titcomb. | Mr. C. Mannerings. |
26 | Mr. Kinslow. | Mr. G. Cox. | Mr. R. Kendrick. |
June 2 | Mr. Kitchingham. | Mr. Fentiman. | Mr. Kendrick. |
(9.30 a.m.) |