Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
May 1968 : page 4 (of 8)
Best Wishes
To Mrs. Whittell and her newly-formed Pony Club. Stablecraft occupies as much time as actual riding and I am sure the club will be character-forming as well as pleasure-giving. I was delighted to take a short Service of Blessing on 6th April.
The Easter Garden
In the church porch was made by half a dozen members of the Sunday School. On Passion Sunday 18 members were each presented with a book of prayers by Bishop Warner during Morning Prayer. This attendance prize was in respect of the year ended Advent, 1967.
To Penny Hollands on being accepted for teacher training at Bedford College in September; to Fiona Taylor on passing her S.R.N.; and to Richard Ford, who some time ago was given a place by Pembroke College, Oxford, for October.
And best wishes to Miss Ambrose and Miss Carey, who vacated the Vicarage flat at Easter. When their teaching commitments allowed, both were regular worshippers and loyal supporters of our church. Miss Carey is already teaching at Faringdon and Miss Ambrose is probably returning to Africa later this year. Our best wishes extend to Miss Brent, also of Kenya High School staff, who came originally for a fortnight but remained with us over 3 months.
Warm Welcome
To Miss Olwen Davies, specialist teacher of deaf children, who has moved into the Vicarage flat; also to Mr. Holden, senior, and to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holden, who have moved into their new house beside Stonehall, but being ex-residents they are known to many of us.
My Wife
Wishes to thank the Lent Group for their usual kindness in giving her a Gift Token.
Warm Welcome
To Mrs. Simper, who has recently joined the staff of our school, teaching Lower Juniors.
Easter Lilies
Thank you, all those who helped buy some very nice blooms.