Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
March 1967 : page 6 (of 8)
On Sunday evening, 5th February, there was held in the parish church a Service, which was arranged and conducted entirely by young people. Those taking part were drawn from the 7.40 Group, the Youth Club, St. Mark's Gillingham Youth Fellowship and the Lodgers (from St. Lawrence, Ramsgate). We print a brief comment from an adult in the congregation: -
"I enjoyed the service very much, but more important is that several young persons with whom I have spoken all enjoyed it, too. Some of the personal experiences described by the Lodgers and by St. Mark's Youth Club were quite moving. The best claimed divine inspiration and aid. The whole service went without a hitch, indicating much careful preparation by the vicar, who played virtually no active part. I know that my own family hope the experiment will be repeated."
Mothers' Union
"Why is it nowadays that so few will commit themselves to helping in the Church, village or society in which they live?" Such was the opening of a very challenging talk on Commitment by Mrs. Brown of Borden. As always, her warm personality and friendliness made us hang on her every word. We came away very willing to commit ourselves if required.
Young Wives Fellowship
Mrs. Green took the chair at the A.G.M. on 7th February, in the absence of our president who was in South Africa. A committee was appointed for the coming year and there was a special vote of thanks to Mrs. Noble, who was re-elected to the presidency. We reviewed last year's activities and discussed future plans, devoting to the ever-present financial problem the same ingenuity we apply to our housekeeping. Unlike the problem of housekeeping, additional numbers would be the complete answer to this difficulty.
There will be a wide variety of interesting programmes this year, and visitors will be warmly welcomed.
Women's Institute
At a well-attended meeting Mrs. Ingle stressed the need for more money-raising efforts for County Funds. Mr. Shipley of the Maidstone and District Bus Co., took us on a coach tour of the West Country, aided by his own slides. We visited Bristol, Bath, Cheddar and Wells, some of the interior shots of Longleat, home of the Marquis of Bath, being superb photography. A vote of thanks was given by Miss Danby. Mr. Shipley then judged the competition, "Three things you would like to have with you on a desert island". He finally decided Mrs. Kelvie's entry to be the winner. Her order of priorities were a matchet to make a shelter, insect lotion to keep at bay the flies and mosquitoes, and her sewing bag and pieces to keep her occupied.
A raffle run by Mrs. Kinslow made £1 12s. 0d, for County Funds.